What is a birthmark?

A birthmark is a discolored or raised area of skin that is present at birth or within a few weeks after birth.

What causes birthmarks?

Birthmarks are caused by abnormal blood vessels or pigment cells.

Common types of Birthmarks

Salmon Patch

This harmless birthmark will fade with time and tends to be most noticeable when your baby cries or becomes too warm.
A salmon patch is a harmless cluster of blood vessels that creates a small, flat, pinkish-red mark. Salmon patches on the face are sometimes called "angel's kisses" and those on the back of the neck are sometimes called "stork bites".
Salmon Patch

Pigmented Birthmark

A pigmented birthdmark is made up of a cluster of pigment cells. They can be many different colors. Examples of pigmented birthmarks are moles.
Pigmented Birthmark

Vascular Birthmark

Vascular birthmarks are blood vessels that have not formed correctly. They're usually red.
Examples include:


Port-wine stains

Vascular Birthmark

Curious about a birthmark?

If you have concerns about a birthmark or would like to look at treatment options, contact Tieman Dermatology. We're here to help!

1584 East Common Street, New Braunfels, TEXAS 78130