What are age spots?

Age spots are small, flat, dark areas on skin. They vary in size.

Are age spots the same as liver spots?

Yes. Age spots are also called liver spots and sunspots. The medical terms are solar lentigo or lentigines.

About Age Spots

Age spots

Age spots are caused by overactive pigment cells. Ultraviolet light from the sun and commercial tanning lamps or beds speeds up the production of skin's melanin – the pigment which gives skin its color.
Age spots:

Are flat and oval shaped

Are typically tan to dark brown

Are found on skin which is most exposed to the sun

Range from freckle size up to 1/2 inch across

Can group together

Age spots don't require treatment. However, spots that are black or changing in appearance can be a sign of melanoma.
Age spots

Too many age spots?

If you've got age spots that are affecting your appearance, Tieman Dermatology can help. Make an appointment today!

1584 East Common Street, New Braunfels, TEXAS 78130